That was in August. This is today.

Last week I noticed that my shin was looking a little bruised and that there was a sore "pocket" on the top of my foot...pretty much right where my ankle and shin are connected. I didn't really think much of it until it got progressively worse over the weekend. So yesterday I broke down and made an appointment with a local podiatrist just to make sure it wasn't something serious. And today I went to see him. Now not to worry, there doesn't seem to be anything seriously wrong with my ankle. But he did proceed to tell me all about my "bad feet". Let's just say I was overwhelmed with the amount of "problems" I seem to have with both my feet and the way I walk. Interesting that I've never been told any of this before today though. Anyway he took a bunch of x-rays (of both feet oddly enough) and taped up my foot...told me to do some "foot exercises" to try to correct my walking...and basically told me that he doesn't really know what's wrong with my foot but he thinks that when I hurt my foot before I overcompensated by walking on the inside of my foot, therefore injuring a different tendon or something. Brilliant.
The game plan for now is to hope that I can "correct" my walking and that the soreness/swelling will go away. I'm supposed to go back in a couple of weeks for him to re-check it...and if things haven't changed then it's MRI time. Exciting right? No. This is what I don't want to happen...apparently it's quite expensive and may not be any better at diagnosing the problem. So prayers that it heals on its own!!
Oh and as a slight side note...I'm waiting to hear back on one job in Denver and have an interview in Austin next week! Prayers for those too!!