I get it. I'm 27, single, and I live in Texas. In Denver it was much less noticeable amidst a sea of young, single people. Maybe that's why I never really let the questions get to me. Or was never really that concerned about my love (or lack there of) life. But now it seems to be a hot topic of discussion. And I get that too...a lot of my friends are getting married and having babies...which is great, I'm just not there yet.
That's not to say I don't want all of those things someday...I do...but I'm not worried that it hasn't happened yet. I've had some great opportunities that I may not have taken advantage of if I was married or trying to start a family. I wouldn't trade my two years in Denver or my ability to change jobs and move around the country for anything. I've loved it. Doesn't mean there haven't been parts of my journey that would've been nice to share with someone, or that I didn't have love and hurt along the way...it's just a part of my story. A story that is still being written and is by no means lacking in the love department. I have an awesome family and great friends that have provided me with so much love over the years that I haven't really had a void to fill.
The best part is I feel like all of the experiences I've had along the way have made me so much more open to loving someone and being loved in return. All the hurts, hangups, and risks have brought me where I am today. And I wouldn't change any of it.