So the (new) journey begins! Yay!!
Just two days ago I got in my car and drove about 200 miles south on I-35 to the beautiful city of Austin. Or as I like to think of it...the Denver of the south. Silly I know.
I decided to move down about a week early so I had a little more time to get settled and get some things done before I head back into the real world. Like getting my car registered in Texas...and subsequently inspected. Or setting up my new (and awesome Christmas present) membership to 24 hour fitness. Things to be done in the next couple of days.
My plan was to get everything organized yesterday...well at least to get all of the clothes out of my car anyway. But apparently my stomach had other plans for me. Sadly I was awoken in the early hours of Monday morning with a pretty bad case of what I think was food poisoning. And let me tell you there is nothing I despise more than having an upset stomach. It is physically exhausting and honestly just disgusting. Ha, sorry for that. So I pretty much laid around the house and slept on and off yesterday. Drank some gatorade and avoided food for the most part. Good times right there.
Another damper on my day yesterday was a phone call that I received in the evening from my HR contact at the new company. She called to tell me that they got all of my paperwork in and everything but there was a problem with my drug test. And before she told me what the problem was...I was baffled. I mean I think I'm about as drug free as you can get. Apparently the test was negative but showed that I was "over-hydrated"...which basically makes it invalid. As soon as she said that I was really quite upset...because the fantastic people that run the testing facility in Fort Worth insisted that I drink lots of water there before I tested to make sure I had enough of a sample. I mean really...over-hydrated? And she also told me that if something like this happened again then they would retract my offer. It was a little shocking.
Thankfully today I woke up feeling like myself and was allowed to retake my drug test (an oral swab this time) at the company. And I passed (duh). So today has definitely been an improvement over yesterday. I even got a huge chunk of unpacking done as well! Way to go me! Haha. Just need to continue the productivity the rest of the week and weekend.
But it is a little bit scary to be starting over city, new job, new chapter in my life. Obviously exciting too. Still scary though. Especially since I have been not working for quite a while now. Not that I think I won't be motivated or anything like that, but it's something totally different than what I've been doing for the past few years and I know it's going to be hard at first. Just have to have faith in myself and my abilities. And be thankful for the opportunity that's been given to me!!
So many things to look forward to over the next few weeks. 2010 is definitely looking like a great year so far!!
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